Hola. Mi nombre es

Andrés F. Morales Chica


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Ionic Native

A curated set of ES5/ES6/TypeScript wrappers for plugins to easily add any native functionality to your Ionic apps.

UI Components

Tabs, buttons, inputs, lists, cards, and more! A comprehensive library of mobile UI components, ready to go.


Learn how to easily customize and modify your app’s design to fit your brand across all mobile platform styles.

Ionic Native

A curated set of ES5/ES6/TypeScript wrappers for plugins to easily add any native functionality to your Ionic apps.

UI Components

Tabs, buttons, inputs, lists, cards, and more! A comprehensive library of mobile UI components, ready to go.


Learn how to easily customize and modify your app’s design to fit your brand across all mobile platform styles.

Awesome work makes happy clients.

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Want to hire me? Get in touch!

Ornare nulla proin odio consequat sapien vestibulum ipsum sed lorem.